Synthetic Biology


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CD Biosynsis provides high-quality products as well as flexible services and solutions to support and facilitate the applications of synthetic biology in agriculture. We offer our expertise to help our customers solve any problems encountered in the project to achieve various research objectives and diversified applications.

Applications of Synthetic Biology in Biosensors


Biosensors refer to a wide variety of devices that use biological components to provide highly specific recognition of certain target analytes. These detection events can be converted in some way to give an easily detectable and quantifiable response, particularly one that can be easily converted to electrical signals so that the result can be fed to electronic devices for subsequent signal processing and data storage. The biological components in many bio-sensors are usually enzymes, antigens, antibodies, hormones, DNA, or the organisms themselves, such as cells and tissues. Three important parameters for biosensing technology are sensitivity, specificity, and rapidity. Many such devices have been reported in the scientific literature, however, very few are commercially available. The emerging discipline of synthetic biology may lead to a new generation of biosensors to bridge the gap between promise and delivery.

The primary goal of synthetic biology is to design and/or redesign living biological systems based on modular parts for desired purposes. The design and development of biosensors that can be implemented in whole cells or in vitro in cell-free transcription-translation systems are one of the exciting application areas. The development of biosensors requires attention to component identification, ease of use, and characterization in terms of specificity, dynamic range, and signal-to-noise ratio. Synthetic biology offers many opportunities for the design and development of biosensors. State-of-the-art synthetic biology tools enable the construction of cell-based biosensors with performances that can be tailored to meet the real-world requirements in terms of sensitivity and dynamic range and to overcome the challenges of sensor stability and biosecurity concerns.

Major applications of biosensors

  • Toxicity assay
  • Drug discovery
  • Diagnostics
  • Point-of-care testing (POCT)
  • Clinical analysis
  • Health and wellness monitoring
  • Bioproduction
  • Fermentation
  • Environmental monitoring
  • Food processing and monitoring
  • Food nutrition labeling
  • Functional biomaterials

Major applications of synthetic biology in biosensors

  • Providing the platform to create biosensor circuits with input processing modules.
  • Design and development of synthetic RNA-based and CRISPR-based biosensors.
  • Synthetic cell-based biosensors as autonomous devices to monitor pathophysiological processes in vivo.
  • Engineering organisms to provide the detection of metabolites, pathogens, as well as disease states.
  • Enabling programmable cell-based biosensors.
  • Providing more possibilities for functional expansion of biosensors.
  • Improving the sensing capabilities of nanotube biosensors in complex biofluids.
  • Enhancing selectivity, lowering the limit of detection (LOD), increasing output dynamic range, and reducing leakiness of biosensors.
  • Enabling the detection of extracellular analytes.
  • Offering alternative host (chassis) organisms.

How We Can Help

CD Biosynsis offer our expertise to help our customers develop biosensors using synthetic biology. Our capabilities include, but are not limited to:

What We Provide

CD Biosynsis is committed to developing products and establishing integrated technology platforms that cover a wide range of steps in the synthetic biology workflow. We are adept at tailoring services and solutions to the customer's needs and circumstances. As all of our products and services are based on reliable technologies and optimized protocols to meet high standards, we are confident in the validity and reproducibility of the results we deliver to our customers. Fill out online inquiry form to log your request.

Quote & Ordering

To start your synthetic biology projects, please feel free to contact us for more details. Our experienced scientists are available for on-demand customer assistance to help you with any concerns you may have.

Quote & Ordering – CD Biosynsis


  1. Hicks M, et al. Synthetic Biology Enables Programmable Cell‐Based Biosensors. ChemPhysChem, 2020, 21(2): 132-144.
  2. French C E, et al. Synthetic biology and the art of biosensor design. The science and applications of synthetic and systems biology: Workshop summary. Washington DC: National Academies Press, 2011: 178-201.
Please note that all services are for research use only. Not intended for any clinical use.

Synthetic Biology Applications

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