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Protein High Throughput Screening

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CD Biosynsis provides world-leading high throughput screening and selection services for protein engineering to facilitate the cutting-edge research of synthetic biology researchers around the world.

Introduction to High Throughput Screening and Selection

High throughput screening and selection are the two main methods of library analysis in protein engineering. Screening can evaluate proteins with the desired property. High-throughput screening methods enable the rapid identification of desirable properties and greatly reduces the chance of missing the desired mutants. High throughput selection can directly eliminate unwanted protein variants by applying certain selection pressure on the mutant library. The fast development of high throughput screening and selection methods and the combination with automation has greatly advanced synthetic biology.

Figure 1. Schematic overview of high throughput screening methods. (Xiao H, et al., 2015)Figure 1. Schematic overview of high throughput screening methods. (Xiao H, et al., 2015)

Service Offering

CD Biosynsis provides comprehensive high throughput screening and selection services based on a variety of different strategies to fully meet customers' needs.

High Throughput Screening and Selection for Protein Engineering

CD Biosynsis has developed a comprehensive high-throughput screening and selection platform for protein engineering. We are fully committed to working with our customers to facilitate the successful completion of their synthetic biology projects.

If you are interested in our services, please contact us for more details.


  1. Xiao H, et al. High throughput screening and selection methods for directed enzyme evolution. Industrial & engineering chemistry research, 2015, 54(16): 4011-4020.
  2. Cirino P C & Qian S. Protein engineering as an enabling tool for synthetic biology. Synthetic Biology. Academic Press, 2013: 23-42.

Please note that all services are for research use only. Not intended for any clinical use.

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