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Strain Engineering for Arginine

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CD Biosynsis is dedicated to the construction of engineered strains with high arginine production by modifying microbial strains through synthetic biology techniques based on the metabolic pathways and regulatory mechanisms of arginine.


Arginine is a semi-essential amino acid that is synthesized in most microorganisms and is widely used in the food and pharmaceutical industries due to its special physiological and biochemical functions. Arginine metabolism has no branching pathways and the end product arginine is synthesized directly from the intermediate metabolite glutamate, which is catalyzed by 7-8 enzymes. Currently, arginine is mainly synthesized by microbial fermentation. The development of synthetic biology technology has provided an effective solution for the large-scale production of arginine.

Figure 1. Reticulated view of acetylation steps in the arginine biosynthesis pathway. (Xu Y, et al., 2007)Figure 1. Reticulated view of acetylation steps in the arginine biosynthesis pathway. (Xu Y, et al., 2007)

What We Provide

Based on synthetic biology strategies, we are able to optimize the microbial production process of arginine and maximize the potential of the L-arginine biosynthesis pathway.

Genetic Engineering

We can regulate the expression of genes in the arginine metabolic pathway through genetic engineering techniques, thus improving the stability of the strain.

Metabolic Engineering

We can use metabolic engineering technology to construct arginine engineered bacteria.


  • Arginine producing microorganisms.
  • Arginine.

How We Can Help

Development of Microbial Chassis for Arginine Production

We can synthesize arginine using microbial fermentation technology. The following table shows the arginine production strains for which we provide microbial chassis development services. Please contact us directly if you have other chassis of interest for arginine production.

Corynebacterium glutamicum Escherichia coli Bacillus subtilis Saccharomyces cerevisiae Bacillus licheniformis

Metabolic Engineering Breeding

With the elucidation of feedback inhibition and deterrence in the arginine biosynthetic pathway, metabolic engineering breeding has become a new breeding alternative to conventional breeding. We focus on the following metabolic engineering modification strategies.

  • We can deregulate the feedback inhibition of arginine on key enzyme genes and down-regulate the expression of blocker protein genes through gene recombination or gene editing techniques.
  • We can enhance the production of arginine by overexpressing genes in the arginine biosynthetic pathway and enhancing the carbon flow in the main metabolic pathway of arginine synthesis.
  • We can increase the production of arginine by reducing the rate of L-glutamate synthesis of L-proline, L-ornithine, and L-citrulline.
  • We explored methods that could reduce the catabolism of arginine in microorganisms by means of genetic engineering.

Develop Low-Cost Substrates for Arginine Production

In order to reduce the cost of industrial fermentation of arginine, our scientists have been working to develop inexpensive carbon sources that can be utilized by microbial strains for arginine production. Our work focuses on the development of renewable biological feedstocks for arginine production and the exploration of suitable mass ratios of carbon source mixes.

Applications of Arginine

CD Biosynsis can develop tailored tools and customized approaches to harness the power of synthetic biology to drive arginine production and meet the needs of customers in a variety of industries.

  • Used as a dietary supplement to increase muscle mass and improve the immune function of the body.
  • Participates in the process of lymphocyte proliferation, differentiation, and synthesis of cytokines.
  • As an important component of compound amino acid injection.
  • Used in the treatment of viral hepatitis.
  • As a feed additive.

Want to Learn More?

CD Biosynsis provides the most comprehensive and efficient solutions for synthetic biology workflows. We are committed to helping our customers solve all problems encountered in arginine production to advance their applications in a wide range of fields. Each of our deliverables will undergo a rigorous quality inspection test to ensure the reliability and accuracy of the results. If you are interested in our services or have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


  1. Xu Y, et al. Surprising arginine biosynthesis: a reappraisal of the enzymology and evolution of the pathway in microorganisms. Microbiol Mol Biol Rev. 2007 Mar; 71(1): 36-47.

Please note that all services are for research use only. Not intended for any clinical use.

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