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Cell & Tissue Engineering

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Engineering principles have been applied to synthetic biology. A variety of robust and versatile approaches have been developed to program living cells with novel and improved functions using artificial genetic circuits. The intersection of tissue engineering and synthetic biology is a new area where cell engineering and material engineering complement each other.

CD Biosynsis provides a comprehensive portfolio of cell and tissue engineering services for the build phase to help synthetic biology researchers around the world facilitate their cutting-edge research. We provide powerful tools and tailored solutions to help our customers overcome the challenges in synthetic biology and bring diverse creative ideas to fruition.

Mammalian Cell Engineering

Mammalian cell engineering is a powerful tool to reassemble biological components from different organisms into user-defined genetic networks, which can restore, improve, or add essential functions to cells. CD Biosynsis has a powerful synthetic biology toolbox to help our customers complete application-oriented mammalian cell engineering.

Mammalian Cell Engineering

Stem Cell Engineering

Stem Cell Engineering

The combination of synthetic biology and stem cells will help to facilitate more robust tissue engineering outcomes and offer the hope of therapeutic applications. CD Biosynsis has developed a comprehensive portfolio of stem cell engineering services, including but not limited to genome editing and stem cell reprogramming.

Plant Cell Engineering

Plant cell engineering systems are useful for a variety of purposes, from producing bioproducts for industrial and therapeutic applications to reducing crop losses. CD Biosynsis provides comprehensive plant cell engineering services, including but not limited to plant genome engineering and plant cell wall engineering.

Plant Cell Engineering

Bacterial Cellular Engineering

Bacterial Cellular Engineering

Bacterial cellular engineering is leading to new approaches for the wide application of bacterial synthetic biology. CD Biosynsis provides our customers with comprehensive and high-quality bacterial cellular engineering services, including but not limited to bacterial genome editing and bacterial cell surface engineering.

Competitive Advantages

  • Professional scientists with extensive experience in cell and tissue engineering.
  • Strong technical strength and diversified synthetic biology toolbox.
  • Powerful one-stop services tailored for specific projects.
  • Fast turnaround time and competitive price.

CD Biosynsis has years of experience in cell and tissue engineering. We are confident to provide a full range of high-quality custom services for synthetic biology at affordable prices. Our experienced scientific team of biologists, bioinformatics, and chemists is dedicated to helping our customers solve any problems encountered in their synthetic biology projects.

If you have any specific needs, please feel free to contact us for more details.

Please note that all services are for research use only. Not intended for any clinical use.

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