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De Novo Protein Design

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As a leading professional in the field of synthetic biology, CD Biosynsis provides professional de novo protein design services for synthetic biology researchers around the world to facilitate their cutting-edge research.

Introduction to De Novo Protein Design

De novo approach, also known as the inverse protein folding problem, involves designing proteins from scratch. De novo design has proven a powerful method for understanding protein folding and function, and for mimicking or even bettering the properties of natural proteins. De novo protein design mainly involves the generation of target backbone, the design of sequences whose lowest energy states are the target backbones, and the optimization followed by computational and experimental validation of selected sequence-structure pair.

De novo protein design has been widely used in the field of synthetic biology. Its goal is to create proteins that do not exist in nature and can be successfully folded and given specific functions. Unlike in the structure-prediction and fixed-backbone design, both the sequence and the exact structure of the backbone are unknown for de novo protein design. In other words, it is the generation of new proteins based on physical principles with sequences unrelated to those in nature.

Figure 1. Schematic showing the various steps involved in De novo Protein Design. (Poluri K M & Gulati K, 2017)Figure 1. Schematic showing the various steps involved in De novo Protein Design. (Poluri K M & Gulati K, 2017)

Service Offering

In de novo protein design, the ultimate objective is to identify the appropriate amino acid sequence that best fits the designed topology of protein with the desired functions. CD Biosynsis is dedicated to establishing the most exquisite service platform for our clients. Our one-stop services can provide comprehensive technical support to advance our customers’ projects.

Backbone Building—The preliminary step in order to design a protein from scratch.

Sequence Design and Optimization—To generate a sequence that will fold well in the desired topology.

In Silico and Experimental Validation—To test whether these sequences can adopt the target structure.

CD Biosynsis has been involved in the field of protein engineering for many years and we are fully committed to working with you to facilitate the successful completion of the projects. If you are interested in our service, please contact us for more details.


  1. Poluri K M & Gulati K. Generating the Fancy Protein Basket with De Novo and Combinatorial Approaches. Protein Engineering Techniques. Springer, Singapore, 2017: 85-102.
  2. Huang P S, et al. The coming of age of de novo protein design. Nature, 2016, 537(7620): 320-327.

Please note that all services are for research use only. Not intended for any clinical use.

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