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Transcriptomic Analysis

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CD Biosynsis provides specialized transcriptomic analysis for the test phase of synthetic biology to help researchers around the world facilitate their cutting-edge research. Equipment with an advanced technology platform and powerful synthetic biology tools, we have the ability to help bring diverse synthetic biology applications and creative ideas to fruition.

Introduction to Transcriptomic Analysis

In synthetic biology, biological components are assembled into systems with practical applications in new ways. One important application is gene regulation, i.e., controlling the flow of genetic information from nucleic acids to proteins. Regulation plays a critical role in the optimization of protein levels and their activity, as well as the subsequent metabolite levels and other cellular properties. According to the central dogma of molecular biology, information flow commences with transcription, which makes regulatory tools that target transcription receive the most attention in synthetic biology. Transcriptomic analysis has been particularly helpful for synthetic biology research and applications.

Transcriptome refers to the sum of all RNA transcripts of an organism. The transcriptomic analysis allows for the characterization of transcriptional activity and can capture a snapshot in time of the total transcripts present in a cell. Measuring transcriptomes at different times, or in different tissues and conditions provides critical information about how genes are regulated. With the improvement of transcriptome analysis techniques, transcriptomic analysis enables the creation of a global picture of cellular function by profiling thousands of genes at once. Data analysis methods have also been steadily adapted to analyze increasing amounts of data more accurately and efficiently.

Figure 1. An overview of transcription regulation following analogue and digital expression dynamics. (Engstrom M D & Pfleger B F., 2017)Figure 1. An overview of transcription regulation following analogue and digital expression dynamics. (Engstrom M D & Pfleger B F., 2017)

Featured Services

CD Biosynsis offers a complete set of tools for transcriptomic analysis and synthetic biology to help our customers overcome the challenges in synthetic biology. Browse our featured services below or use our online inquiry form to get more information.

Sequencing-Based Transcriptomic Analysis

Sequencing technologies, especially next-generation sequencing, are emerging as the preferred approach for transcript analysis. CD BioSicences has established a complete sequencing technology platform, including but not limited to RNA-seq, targeted RNA sequencing, whole transcriptome sequencing, and single-cell sequencing. We have extensive experience in providing sequencing-based transcriptomic analysis services for synthetic biology research.

Microarray-Based Transcriptomic Analysis

Microarrays play an important role in transcriptomic analysis of a variety of species and different conditions. CD Biosynsis offers a complete range of microarrays for transcriptomic analysis, including microfluidic microarrays. Our microarrays are compatible with different samples and can meet different throughput needs.

CD Biosynsis offers a variety of cutting-edge techniques to customize services for individual customer specifications. Our experienced scientific team of biologists, bioinformatics, and chemists is dedicated to helpinging our customers solve any problems encountered in their synthetic biology projects.

If you are interested in our services or have any specific needs, please feel free to contact us for more details.


  1. Engstrom M D & Pfleger B F. Transcription control engineering and applications in synthetic biology. Synthetic and systems biotechnology, 2017, 2(3): 176-191.
  2. Lowe R, et al. Transcriptomics technologies. PLoS computational biology, 2017, 13(5): e1005457.

Please note that all services are for research use only. Not intended for any clinical use.

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