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Biosynthesis Screen assay and characterization

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CD Biosynsis provides a comprehensive suite of tools to accelerate your synthetic biology research. By harnessing the power of high-throughput screening and in-depth characterization, we empower researchers and innovators to unlock the full potential of biological systems for a wide range of applications, from drug discovery to biotechnology advancements.

Introduction to Screen Assay and Characterization

Screening assays and comprehensive characterization constitute essential elements within the synthetic biology technology toolkit. These methodologies play a central role in advancing our comprehension of biological systems and harnessing their potential across diverse applications. Screening assays involve systematically evaluating a vast array of biological samples to discern those exhibiting particular properties or functionalities of interest. Characterization, conversely, entails meticulous examination to acquire insights into the configuration, functionality, and conduct of biological constituents. Collectively, these tools empower researchers and innovators to finely engineer biological systems with precision and efficacy.

The primary lutein biosynthetic pathway. Figure 1: The primary lutein biosynthetic pathway. (Park, S.Y., et al. 2022)

Mechanism of Screen Assay and Characterization Technology

Screening assays rely on systematic assessment of biological specimens, often employing high-throughput methodologies. This entails the formulation of assays tailored to the precise target of interest, encompassing aspects such as enzyme functionality, protein-protein interactions, or genetic expression. By employing robotics and automation, screening assays can concurrently process an extensive array of samples, thereby significantly expediting the discovery process.

Characterization, on the other hand, delves into the intricacies of individual biological constituents. Techniques such as mass spectrometry, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography, and electron microscopy are harnessed to scrutinize the structural and functional attributes of biomolecules. This exhaustive analysis yields valuable insights into the underlying mechanisms governing biological functions.

Service Offering

Protein Function and Interaction Analysis

  • Protein-Protein Interaction Studies
  • Enzyme Activity Assays
  • Protein Folding and Stability Assessments

Drug Discovery and Development

  • Compound Screening and Profiling
  • ADME Studies
  • Toxicity Testing

Structural Biology and Imaging

  • X-ray Crystallography
  • NMR Spectroscopy
  • Electron Microscopy

Cell-Based Assays

  • High-Content Screening
  • Cytotoxicity Assessment
  • Signal Transduction Pathway Analysis

Molecular Characterization

  • DNA Sequencing and Genotyping
  • RNA Expression Analysis
  • Epigenetic Modifications Assessment

Our Technologies

  • Automation Systems
  • Microarray Technology
  • Next-Generation Sequencing
  • Mass Spectrometry
  • Fluorescence-based Assays
  • Bioinformatics Software
  • CRISPR-Cas9 Technology
  • Imaging and Microscopy

Competitive Advantages



Our team comprises experts in biology, chemistry, and informatics, enabling a holistic approach to screen assay and characterization.

Quality Assurance.

Quality Assurance

Rigorous quality control measures guarantee the reliability and reproducibility of our results.



We prioritize the confidentiality and security of client data and project details.

Proven Track Record.

Proven Track Record

A history of successful collaborations and projects in diverse areas of synthetic biology.

CD Biosynsis offers a wide range of cutting-edge technologies and has an experienced scientific team of biologists, bioinformaticians, and chemists dedicated to helping synthetic biology researchers around the world solve any challenges they encounter in their projects. If you have any specific needs, please feel free to contact us for more details.


  1. Marshall, J. R.; et al. Screening and characterization of a diverse panel of metagenomic imine reductases for biocatalytic reductive amination. Nature Chemistry. 2020, 1-9.

Please note that all services are for research use only. Not intended for any clinical use.

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