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Production of Protein-based Materials by Synthetic Biology

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CD Biosynsis focuses on synthetic biology-driven production of protein-based materials with desired structural and functional properties, offering a myriad of applications in different fields. Our scientists leverage their deep understanding of protein structure and properties to help our customers tackle the challenges that exist in the production of tunable and functional protein-based materials.


The fine structure and diverse functions of proteins have inspired the production of various protein-based materials, such as spider silk, resilin, elastin, collagen, and mussel binders. Although proteins have been considered as promising biomaterials have countless applications in various fields, the potential of protein-based materials remains under-explored and under-exploited. Powerful combination of synthetic biology and material sciences holds the promise for addressing the challenges in the production of protein-based materials and opens the door to innovative protein-based materials and novel applications. Advanced synthetic biology-inspired tools and strategies allow for the development of sustainable bio-based routes to design and produce protein-based materials.

Figure 1. Engineering principles of protein materials through synthetic biology approaches. (Qian Z G, et al., 2020)Figure 1. Engineering principles of protein materials through synthetic biology approaches. (Qian Z G, et al., 2020)

What We Can Do

CD Biosynsis is committed to helping our customers develop synthetic biology strategies and tools that enable them to produce multifunctional, complex, or innovative protein-based materials using different types of building blocks. Our integrated toolbox covering a wide range of techniques such as gene circuits design, gene assembly, cell and tissue engineering, and cell-free protein expression allows us to construct protein-based materials in an environmentally sustainable manner. Our scientists are well positioned to help our customers discover novel protein-based materials with high-value applications.

Building blocks
  • Structural blocks (e.g., silk-like, collagen-like, resilin-like, elastin-like, and mussel byssus-like proteins)
  • Functional blocks (e.g., growth factor, cellular adhesion, and antimicrobial peptides)
  • Responsive blocks (e.g., light-responsive proteins and other stimuli responsive proteins)
Synthetic biology-inspired protein-based materials
  • Engineered silk biomaterials (e.g., spidroins and silk fibroin)
  • Engineered elastin- and resilin-based materials (e.g., resilin-like proteins (RLPs))
  • Engineered mussel foot proteins (e.g., white glue)
  • Engineered reflectins
  • Stimuli-responsive protein-based materials (e.g., light-responsive Protein-based hydrogels)
  • Protein-based nanomaterials (e.g., human serum albumin nanoparticles)

Applications of Protein-based Materials

CD Biosynsis offers our expertise and experience in synthetic biology and material sciences to help our customers realize the huge potential of protein-based materials for diverse applications.

  • Biomedical applications, such as drug delivery, tissue engineering, tissue repair and regeneration, regenerative medicine, and implantable medical devices.
  • Bionanotechnology applications, such as biosensors and nanoreactors.
  • Other applications, such as daily care, and clothing & textiles.

Want to Learn More?

CD Biosynsis is committed to helping our customers meet the growing and evolving demand for protein-based materials using the in-depth intersection of synthetic biology and materials science. Our scientists are well positioned to provide full support for their innovative ideas. If you are interested in our services or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


  1. Qian Z G, et al. Synthetic biology for protein-based materials. Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 2020, 65: 197-204.
  2. Burgos-Morales O, et al. Synthetic biology as driver for the biologization of materials sciences. Materials Today Bio, 2021, 11: 100115.

Please note that all services are for research use only. Not intended for any clinical use.

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